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Bocaraton Private Adjusters are proud of their ability to offer our potential clients with our vast insurance claim experience. Insurance contracts are complicated and have many mandatory conditions; that if not properly met, can dramatically limit or deny your ultimate recovery. Not sure if you need professional representation? Bocaraton Private Adjusters has created a forum where potential clients can submit questions on our contact page and a friendly representative will answer them for “FREE”.

Bocaraton Private Adjusters just asks, that when you do need full representation, you give us the opportunity to earn your business. Even with our paid professional representation; we offer no out pocket costs, we work on a contingency fee basis, only payable if you recover. If you are ready for full representation, click the contact page.

Bocaraton Private Adjusters provides complete Public Adjusting services. When a residential owner suffers a property insurance claim, a complexity of circumstances are created. For a majority of people they may have no or limited past experiences in dealing with such an event. Depending on the size of the claim, the insured may also need to find temporary housing.

Settling an insurance claim calls for meetings with insurance company’s adjusters and contractors and many hours of preparing inventories as well as documenting lost or damaged items. Following preparation of the inventory of those lost or damaged items, the insured will need to establish the cost to replace those lost or damaged items. Additionally, the necessary meetings and inventory documentation may require the insured to take precious time away from work and family – time that would better be spent managing the trauma associated with an insurance claim and focusing one’s life back towards recovery.

Other dilemmas residential owners would not normally know how to deal with are issues like depreciation, replacement versus repair of damaged goods, distinguishing repairable from total loss items and preparing/submitting costs for living expenses. In situations where a damaged item should be replaced and not cleaned, the insurance company is entitled to try to clean it and may require this procedure prior to replacing the item. However, if after cleaning, the work is still not acceptable, the insured may not have enough coverage to replace the item. Bocaraton Private Adjusters knows just how to protect the insured in these situations, even if it means exceeding policy limits.

Our services include an online tracking system, where the progress and status of an your project can be checked seven days a week, 24 hours a day, through the login feature on our web site.
Bocaraton Private Adjusters Residential Services include:
Bid comparison and analysis
Separation of damaged from undamaged goods
Itemized contents inventory
Valuation for replacement and actual cash value
Replacement value vs. restoration
Determination of sales tax and acquisition time to replace total loss items
Preparation of additional living expense (“ALE”) receipts, co-insurance calculations
Preparation and filing proof of loss
For more information click the contact tab.

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